the series

Here are all the episodes of 29LIVES the Series in order from the beginning!
You can also see all of the episodes on YouTube in a flow here.
Below the most recent episode release (Oct 1, 2023 "What I Been Missin") are pics and vids from the beginning of the 29LIVES journey since 2008!
29LIVES by Chris Wade
Produced by Chris Wade Music Productions
Vocal Mixing by Josh Munnell
with addtl vocal mixing by Dave Albulario, Paul Michael Cooper and Chris Wade
All songs and tracks by Chris Wade
Additional lyric contributors: Jana Cudney, Carlos Morales, Sonia Harley, Erin Solér, Charlie Sohne, Emily Battles, Evabustamove
Choreography by Stephen Brotebeck, Carmen Chavez
Direction and/or Story Editing by Chris Wade, Jana Cudney, Brooke Aston, Mads Bentley Brooks, Erin Solér, Anthony Coop Comptello and Erika Amato.
For Lead and Featured Singer/Actors appearing in episodes please see YouTube posts for complete episode information. Chris is so grateful to each and every singer/actor who gave of their talents for his work.
Thank you to *everyone* who has been involved in our Series and Journey!
A note from Chris Wade: What started as a one time pandemic inspired musical video (SBT), with people singing in blocks, became a vision to do all these songs (and do them all in 2020, HAH!), plus 2-3 more to *finish the songcylce, and really the last two songs wrap it all up! But as of writing (10/02/23), having just released "What I Been Missin", - that was the last song with recordings or video remnants stretching back to 2020 (and with a track who's journey began in 2011!) And so this song was the last of all the work that I had unfinished and unpublished (not just my own) that deserved to be released! What would be the next release "Time Will Tell", does have vocal recordings from 10 singer/actors (from 2020!), but no videos. And the last song of the Series "What Am I Waiting For" has neither any recordings or videos (or a track for that matter). And so, I'm at a grateful goal post at this moment. There may be the final two songs or maybe there won't and maybe it will be in 2 years, or 4 years... and that's 29LIVES baby!
Thanks for watching and being a part of my journey!
Chris Wade
Below are pics and vids of 29LIVES journey since 2008 and all the wonderful singers who have contributed their talents to the show!

Chris Wade

Scenes from a Balcony (Such Sweet Sorrow) Part 3&4
feat Christina DeCicco, Dir by Stephen Brotebeck, TNC
Rogue Theater Festival in NYC,
Friday August 16 2019, 7:00pm - 13th St Repertory Theater, Union Square
Saturday August 17 2019, 8:00pm - Ripley Grier Studios 520 8th Ave., Studio 10D
The LIVES are: Manuel Cortes Alcazar, Bernard Davis, Lauren D'Imperio, Kirsten Egenes, Lauren Gismondi, Lisa Lamothe, Erin Solér, Gabriel Spector, Matt Stairs
29LIVES 2019 at Ripley Grier Studios, shot by Tyler Milliron
Safe Haven feat Zoran Duke Rausavljevich 3/18/18
"Merchandise" from Such Sweet Sorrow
feat by Adam Spiegel
"Safe Haven", from Stephen Brotebeck's "Brotography"
feat Sara Antkowiak and Karl Maier, dancers, Chris Gleim on vocals
Produced by Stephen Brotebeck, Pianist: Joe Kinosian
Lyrics by Jana Cudney, Music by Chris Wade
Such Sweet Sorrow audio demo
feat John Winters & Renee Albulario
Subways, Bus Stops & Taxicabs
from 29LIVES (Anonymous Lives)
directed by Stephen Brotebeck
Break My Heart
Words and Music by Chris Wade
Performed by Molly Tynes
From 29LIVES
Subways, Bus Stops & Taxicabs
Words and Music by Chris Wade
US Performing Arts Camp, NY
From 29LIVES, dir. by Stephen Brotebeck
What Am I Waiting For
from 29LiVEs: HOLiDAZe
I Wanna Remember This Night
Performed by Molly Tynes
from 29LIVES (Anonymous Lives)
dir. Stephen Brotebeck
Safe Haven
Words - Jana Cudney/ Music - Chris Wade
Perfomed by Chris Wade
From 29LIVES
Autumn Leaves
Arranged by Chris Wade
Perfomed by Chris Wade
From the Engel Art Documentary
Words - Jana Cudney/ Music -Chris Wade
Performed by Kristin Mularz
From 29LIVES
"(I Was) Happy in December" from 29LIVES
feat Erik Sisco, Jonathon Marro, Daniel Pivovar
"Fresh Direct/Why Would I Choose to Leave" words by Charlie Sohne, Music CW
feat Mario Castro, Nikki Van Cassele,
Amanda Salvatore
One Less Night
Words- Jana Cudney/ Music- Chris Wade
Performed by Tara Hunnewell
From Hello! How Are You? I Love You!
Luke 2: 1-14
Music by Chris Wade, with Biblical text
From Rockin'tata
Riverside, CA